Saturday, October 18, 2003

I have decided to create a new blog address. Last night I was talking with Kiki and Dana, where Dana said that I need to have a blog. I stayed quiet, not telling her that I do have one, but Kiki interjected that I should make one public. Not just public though, the others were public, but publicly aware. I had two blogs. They were split up between a more traditional journal, and the other was an essay forum. I dabbled with a third, but as the spirit of the character died, in turn so did the journal.

I have had this disussion a few times, which most people don't understand, don't like, or something in that realm, but I have my reasons for not announcing to the world my writing. I keep this to myself merely to write freely. Knowing that you have an audience, and knowing who that audience is, in my opinion changes the way one will write. I use this blog as a forum to relay my personal history. I would prefer that it stayed honest. I am not afraid of what I have wrote, or what I may write. I understand bias and how it affects the thinking and layout of a discussion. I am merely attempting to curb my own bias. As human beings we experience everything in the first person. Due to the way in which I gather information I can only process it through my understanding, which is ultimately flawed. I only hope that I can eliminate as much of my own flawed nature and find some truth through my own veil.

Last night made me think about my blogs in a different light. I believed that my personal journal and my essay journal were different. In truth they are the same. They are a freeze frame capturing of my thoughts at a moment in time. They are my personal journal, my personal history. Now I begin another journey to meld both styles of my old journals. I'm not sure where I am going on this journey, or if I will ask for company along the way, but I hope I will enjoy what I see.