Thursday, September 01, 2005

The snapshots that will leave their indelible mark.

- The microburst that blew that caused V and I to run out and save the tent in our underwear.
- The recycling can being filled to the brim in only a few days. The homage to the alcohol gods.
- Wasp hunting with G and Grandpa.
- Seeing my brother happy and with hope for the first time in my life.
- The shit storm of tumultous chaos of being single, and having a cyclone of drama erupt around you, when you did nothing but exist. Must we fight? I'm not a possession.
- Picking up a drunk Julie and her mates, then running around the valley, getting obliterated.
- Oh Allison we miss you, but we know your liver does not miss us.
- Facebook how you changed the course of so much to come.
- Going with a friend as her date to a wedding reception, quietly get smashed, and follow the night with her car catching on fire.
- The club incident in San Fran, which was my fault entirely, yet I recieved none of the wraith.
- Late night swims that are isolated, cool, and wonderfully romantic.
- Oh bridesmaid, how i can never forget the mark you left behind.
- Escorting a friend out to her car early in the morning wearing boxer briefs and a cowboy hat. I swear I dont remember wearing the cowboy hat.
- Wading through the irrigated waters.
- Getting that obsessive passion for information back. Now stronger than ever.
- Kissing a friend whom you never thought you would, and in the end it was quite hysterical.
- Being up with Summer and without realizing it the sun is up, and then looking at each other in surprise, and asking, how do we keep doing this night after night.

These are some, not all, of those wonderfully indelible marks.


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