Thursday, December 04, 2003

Within most relationships the nature of cheating is unspoken. When two individuals come together in union, cheating on one another does not have to be spoken aloud. If one of the partners finds that it is allowed that either party is allowed sexual contact with other people, the people whom believe in this are very outspoken about it. Allowing the shifting of the normal rules is not tacit. I have never willingly or knowingly cheated on any girlfriend, but I have cheated on one girlfriend.

The beginning of the junior year of high school, I met a girl who went to Desert Vista. I met her during the week at a park with some friends, and later that evening my friend Bryan was on the phone with her, and we ended up talking for a few hours.

The next weekend there was a big party at a house in the Foothills where I saw Theresa again. We talked through the entirety of the party, but we kissed at the end of the night. The day was October 18th, 1996.

During this period I had a neighbor, Cheryl, who was a very beautiful girl. We hung out during school nights and talked a lot. She would come over to my house while she was walking her dog and would ask if I could come along with her. I would always accompany her. As you can see, I had a very big crush on her. I never did anything about it, but I never got the feeling that she liked me. I knew that she liked me, but not in a sexual way. Not that I would have done anything anyway, I'm very careful, insecure, and pretty cowardly in my approach with women. Not so much anymore, but then I was very shy. Now I suppose I just don't pay women any attention. The week following my kiss with Theresa was very different with Cheryl. She started paying me much more attention. Not in a friendly manner, but a sexual one. She had no knowledge of Theresa so I knew she wasn't acting out of jealousy or competition. I liked her changed behavior, but at the same time it put me off balance.

Cheryl and I were drinking on Tuesday night, October 21, 1996. Nothing overly spectacular, but just a few casual drinks. We were in my room and I was laying on my back. She proceeded to sit on top of me and ask me if her boobs were to big. I immediately realized her ploy, but I played along. I was in glee at this moment.

"They're not too big. They're the perfect size."

None of this was a lie. She had very full large breasts that were unbelievable. She was very pretty, almost beautiful, and pretty thin. Cheryl was stunning.

Cheryl then grabbed my hands and put them on her breasts and asked again, "Are you sure they arn't too big?"

Being a sixteen year old boy I could hardly mutter a response. "You're being stupid" was all I said.

"Can I kiss you?"


She proceeded to kiss me and the night melted away.

Cheryl went out of town for a while to visit her dad in California so we didn't talk about what happened. The next weekend I went to another Desert Vista party and met up with Theresa. During the previous week we talked almost every day on the phone. At this party there we didn't talk much because we were preoccuptied with kissing one another.

The next weekend ended up being a repeat performance. Talk on the phone with Theresa, go to DV party, make out. After the third week we talked about being together. I did like her and she wanted to come up with an anniversary date. She decided that our anniversary date should be October 18th, our first kiss. I immediately wanted to object because I realized that with this date, I would have technically cheated on her. I didn't raise a fight because I had no real argument. At least an argument that wouldn't make me feel guilty for manipulating her. I understood why she wanted the date and no other date would sit very well. I conceded and through my course I cheated on Theresa with Cheryl. I lay blame to techicality and romanticism.

I will admit that I believe I have the only story of cheating on a significant other that will draw a laugh. I will strive through the course of my life to maintain that this story will not have a sibling. One could only wish that everyone would take this stance and hold to it.