Saturday, January 31, 2004

When I worked at the hotel, there was an employee that I used to exchange letters with. They were usually comical or insulting and often insightful, but as time progressed they evolved from short quips to lengthy letters. I found this letter that I had written him, and this represents the spirit of our written exchanges. I removed his name in order to protect him. You'll see why.

To be noted: this piece is a social commentary about the far too common, sadly, ignorant attitudes of this "affliction." Certain derogatory terms were used in order to illuminate this ignorance. With that - enjoy.


Dear X,

The results from your lab test have been completed. We regrettably have to inform you that all of your tests have come back positive. Your current insurance policy will be immediately terminated due to your new condition.. Since your test results were positive we know that your terminally ill disease will wilt your body into nothingness within a few short years. Hopefully science will improve within your now short lifespan in order to potentially prolong your now defunct life. Maybe someday people can live a long and productive life with your condition. We recommend that you stay within a confined area that has no contact with the outside world, i.e bomb shelter, so that you do not spread your illness to others. You are very contagious and with the new bills trying to be passed by congress, you should not go into public, or within an area where you can be viewed by other people. This will protect you from the law of the future and from people who will want revenge because they might believe that they have contracted their new death sentence from you. This is not a requirement, but highly recommended. This is for your safety because you have only a short amount of time and we feel that it is better to die of rotting organs than being bludgeoned to death. Also, now might be a good time to find religion. With other individuals of your condition, religion apparently can ease the pain. We have found no conclusive evidence for this, but it seems to work. Just find one that you think matches with your beliefs. This will make the conversion process easier. You may have noticed that this note does not have a return address and was delivered in a standard envelope. We chose to do this because we do not want you to know where we are at in case you decide to send something to us, or want to enact revenge upon us, when you know that your condition was brought upon by yourself. Everything you touch is potentially fatal, so we hope you understand, but we must do this from all people who become gay.

Yours truly,

Thursday, January 15, 2004

The highest and strongest oath I own up to is promise. It holds the strongest form of contract that can be issued out of my mouth. It is one of the very few truly sacred words in my vocabulary. I have watched more glittering balls drop on new years eve than breathed that two syllabic word. The most major promise that can be broken is not between seperate parties, but between oneself.