Monday, April 12, 2004

I am an extremely independant person. I believe in being able to stand aloft by ones own power, but this also stems from a flaw in most human creatures.

I do not like being given things because I need them. I would rather starve than be given food from a person who would use it against me. I steadfastly and stubbornly follow this rule.

Here is why.

I believe in the idea of charity, some people do need help, nature has its way of putting a person in that position, but the human creature has a way of using that charity against you. Few people I have met have not had this happen to them.

Person A gives person B said item because for the sake of B's livelihood, B really needed it. A said it was out of good faith and it was their honest pleasure to do so. Then years roll around and something happens and A then throws in B's face that if it wasn't for A, B wouldn't be where B is today. B now feels incompetent and inferior because B believed B was accepting honest charity. If B were to know that A would react like this, B would have found another means for support.

This happens all too often, and because of such, I very rarely ever accept help. I absolutely love to give help whenever I can under any circumstance if I am able, but my enmity towards recieving help is garnered because of the flaw I mentioned previously.

I would lovingly accept charity from the Government. It is not nameless, but it is faceless. The government isn't going to yell at me twenty years later that if it wasn't for the big G, I wouldn't be anywhere. The government doesn't chastise me for not appreciating the free education I recieved through my youth. It may have been subpar, but it was free. If I am late in making a loan payment, it just leaves a mark that it was late, but doesn't call me yelling that I don't care about it, and if I really did care I would always have my payments on time.

But it hurts the worst when the person who claims to be giving you help because it is their duty and privledged honor to do everything they can for you, and even though you accept as little help as possible, and then slowly over time you become convinced that they are telling the truth. You allow them to help you, and then it doesn't take long for them to start resenting you for the help they have been giving and you havn't shown the proper respect and love for what they have been doing. Even though you made an honest effort to do so, and its not enough, because it doesn't matter, the resentment from their charitable contributions will always linger because you may not be in your current position had you not recieved it. You know it, but especially do they, and they will not let you forget.


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