Saturday, December 20, 2003

When it comes to what most individuals around my age like to do for fun, I am in the minority. I get the impression that what most people, especially the "college crowd", enjoy is drinking and sex. The public places that are most frequented by the majority, contain at its heart the aforementioned primary driving forces.

Yesterday my friend Alyssa graduated from college. Her journey to graduate was a most arduos one, being that she is a single mom. I am very proud of her, just as she is proud of herself. We were supposed to graduate together, but through my unusual circumstances, I have prolonged my taking the final walk by about five months.

She would comment quite frequently that once she graduated she would have a large party where she would remain in a drunken stupor. I came in to work for a company meeting, and I saw Allysa and she reminded me about her party. I talked to everyone at work and everyone was going. They were going to get there between 9 and 10. I got to her house at about 10:30, I was late because I was making fudge and caramels, and it took much longer than expected. When I pulled onto her street, I didn't see many cars so I called her to make sure that I didn't mix something up. Like I had the wrong night, or it was at someone else's house. She answered her phone and said not to bother coming over because not much was going on. I said that I didn't care, but I was at her front door.

Her sister answered and I walked into the house and upon entering the living room, I only saw Alyssa. She was lying on her couch all dressed up, but I realized very soon that she was drunk. Apparently her friends decided to go out to the bars and instead of staying home she went with them. She only came home to meet up all of her other friends that didn't go out to the bars. I was the only one who showed up. She didn't seem very sad about it, but I believe her drunkeness didn't allow her to care that much. She asked if we could go back out which I obliged.

I know what bars her friends like to frequent, but I went anyway. I felt she really needed a friend. The bar was going to have dueling pianos. I have never been to a dueling piano bar, so I was rather intrigued by it. We got to the bar and there was a cover, but Alysa paid for it because she knows I don't enjoy bar/clubs. That was very thoughtful of her, because I was going to pay the cover regardless. I was there for her, not myself.

The bar is underground, but I think to keep the same subterranean feel they keep it very poorly lit. There are two bars on either side to purchase alcohol, and straight ahead down some slight stairs reside the pianists. The two individuals performing on their respective piano, are very talented people. They play the piano and sing what amounts to good karoake all night.

I do not like bars, or at least bars that are trying to be more like a club. When I do decide to go to a bar I want to get a good beer and some good conversation. Neither of which are possible at these establishments.

I rarely venture into the world of pop culture, but I was able to see the major fashion trends into action. Instead of the commercials or windows that are trying to tell you what is 'in.' I have learned that the tight retro shirts from the seventies are back, but the color of choice is light blue or white. Many girls are wearing the Britney Spears beret hat. Otherwise everything is pretty normal. Low cut tops, backward hats, short skirts, cardigan sweaters, fake leather jackets, etc.

Once we were in and located her friends I just stood around as they didn't talk. Even if they had wanted to have a conversation, it was barely possible. They were all drinking as most everyone was, but Alyssa wanted to buy me a beer. I wanted company so I agreed to have a beer with her. My beer came in a plastic cup, and we instantly became the bestest of friends.

He is rather Fat and some say he resembles a Tire, but he was good company. I just watched the the people and tried to discern anything and he just sat there without a care in the world.

Halfway through my evening at the bar I realized that I should inform Kiki that I was going to be later than I thought. She asked me to help her move, mostly because I am access to a truck. I went to the farthest and darkest corner of the bar in order to minimize the amount of outside noise. My cellular signal was on or off, so I had to wait for my phone to comply with my request.

As I stood waiting, I watched both sexes trying to persuade either one to have sex, but mask it with honest conversation.

After the call was made, my companion and I went back to our former position. We held our ground and wouldn't give up an inch. So many people were concerened with who was watching them, or who wasn't watching them, I just wonder how good a time were they having? Lets say someone did start watching them and decided to go and talk, could a conversation even be had?

Alyssa was having a good time, so that conversely made my time good. She talked to her neighbor a bit, but otherwise just watched the performers and danced a little. Everytime I checked on her she had very girl like natural smile. I was comforted that her big graduation night did not go asunder. My companion did not stay around for the entire evening and departed in its own way, so I was once again alone. Alyssa wanted to go and get me another friend, but I said I didn't want to grow too attached. Cops pull you over when they know your having a good time. They act like the Greek Gods. She was unsatisfied with my answer, but I said that my lonliness shouldn't stop you from having a friend.

Then she chimed that her neighbor would take her home, so I didn't need to stay any longer. "You've been a good friend for me, because I know you don't like these places." I gave her a hug goodbye and said if anything should come up, just call me. She understood, and I left my psuedo-sister in the care of her neighborly friends.

I walked out of the subterranean layer and proceeded past the other bars to my vehicle. There - alone, I felt more at peace than I had the entire evening. I'm glad Alyssa had a good night.


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