Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A girl whom I used to work with instant messaged me out of the blue earlier today. She left a few months ago, so I was surprised to hear from her. We just started chatting for a bit, and she of course asked about my relationship status and such. I didn't want to adddress it immediately because I knew what would then follow. This is a girl who asked me out on a date, and I responded with, "sorry, my heart and my cock belongs to another girl." She appears to be the type of girl that just because your taken, that will not scare her away. I was covering both bases.

Well her questions were very incisive and I told her my status. She was surprised to hear what I said. She never thought I would be single. She then says "I spent my last couple months thinking that u were so great and that ur gf, whoever she was, was sooo lucky to have u and that she shd know that." I mean I know why a girl says such things, but I found it funny. I have no doubt she possessed such ideas, but what what was funny was her extrapolating from my work persona, and blanketing every other facet of my existence.

At work I often times supervise the other employees and when doing so am always in a real fine mood. Walking around and helping people with problems is really enjoyable, and much easier than actually working the lines. When people get the opportunity to talk with me I am always jovial, witty, and emotionally calm under diress, and always full of good spirits. This is primarily the only view of my being that they are witnessed to, so I understand why they would think i am the same everywhere in life. This girl has this wonderful conception of me and truly believes that I am this completely wonderful person when she is making the logical fallacy of assuming that because I am comforting and helpful at work, I would therefore be a good father for example. This all may be very well true, but she is making the error of reducing my compexity of mind from tiny fragments of experience.


Blogger J said...

I think you mean she extrapolated from your work persona. From. She doesn't need to extrapolate the persona itself because that is what she knows. She extrapolated ideas of who you are from the work persona.

Not important. Just saying. :-)

9:02 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

haha. Yes that is what I meant to say. I didn't realize I neglected to include "from."

12:23 AM  

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