Wednesday, December 24, 2003

For anything that can be made it can be destroyed. This is a universality because if it always was, then it always will be.

Saying goodbye to a friend is a difficult and painful experience. The courtship and journey of friendship is brought upon by circumstances that cannot be foreseen. Fate has no cards to play.

To finally come to terms with another individual and be able to call them friend, much time and effort would have to have been invested. Assuming that blind-trust was not inherent, then the trust that exists would have been acquired through labor. Trust is not static, and it is not unrootable. When you lose trust in a friend, you have lost that friend.

All individuals have the right to be as they understand it. To realize the friend who you thought you knew isn't what they portrayed themselves to be afflicts the body with much pain and uncertainty. The person who you thought you knew, may have been like that the entire time. It was your expectation of them, that wrought this feeling of deception. The betrayal they committed was always latent in them, you were just not able to recognize it. Just like power, friendship is something that is given, and you can take it away. The bonds that break those chains are cleaved by the axe with the finest blade. They are powerful and unforgivable.

To say goodbye to a good friend is not merely to have a friend slowly fade away. Friends from childhood have grown up and grown apart. People change and their experiences together dwindle and without idealogy there is not much to harbor a continuing relationship. These losses are hard in hindsight, but never during the moment because they are not usually ones to be seen. They pass by like a ghost that is ever present, but forever invisible. Pictures capture the moment of the past, but forever will they never be viewed in that instant, for that is not possible. It is saying goodbye to a friend who is in front of you sharing your breath that is the most painful. You are severing that cord that has tightened you two together. It is hard to tell that person that you will not go into the trenches of war with them. You do not trust them, and you will not die for them any longer.

When that moment of enlightenment happens and you realize your continuing path is a faulty one, it is not a moment of hope or joy. Instead, during the period of realization the good that embraced your mind, flees leaving behind only a sense of void and loneliness. At this moment you have said goodbye to your friend, thus breaking the link between your two beings. There are very few men who truly want to abandon the community because alone in nature most men want to be connected. Even if by only a single strand that binds them to the world around. It is always hard to let go. Here I am and I say this to you,

Goodbye Friend.


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