Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I am now in San Francisco

Havasupai was golden as usual. The girl we went with, who I barely knew at all before the hike turned out to be one of the greatest girls we have been around in a long time. Us three were crammed in my truck on the drive up, but it was enough fun, that the cramped quarters were not much of a deal at all. G and I will award her with the trooper award, because she was quite tough on the hike in, and in the canyon, and we both knew she was in so much pain and agony. Surprisingly tough chick. When I get back home in a month, I'll put up pictures from the hike.

The party we were with hiked out 3 am sunday morning, but G and I waited until 5pm. We were in no hurry to leave, and their, the early bird gets the worm attitude was way far extreme for us. The hike out was rather brisk, and G and I made it out in 3 hours and 45 minutes. Well we made such good time because we only stopped twice to take a piss, otherwise we did not take a break. We just plowed through. After we reached the top, our bodies showed the signs of our relentless pursuit. Never have I been so sore from the hike. My left leg turned into wood, but the end of my upper wood femure felt as if it was made to large for my hip socket. Basically I could barely, pivot, or rotate my leg in my hip socket. Once we hiked out we only re-situated our luggage and continued our journey to SF. We stopped at a rest stop and slept in the bed of my truck in our sleeping bags. The night before we slept to the roar of a waterfall, and a trickling stream, and the next we slept to the purr of semi-trucks. Wasn't too bad though.

San Fransicso has been great so far. The first night we went out for pizza and beer with the girl who has been ordained through the internet and will marry Josh and Laura. She is an old friend of theirs from college. Then we came back and relaxed and Hagler and I stayed up talking until 4 in the am. Yesterday we went to the zoo, which Josh, thought was free, but it is only free on the first wednesday of the month, which yesterday was not. So we instead went to the SF fine arts museum which is free. I'll post pictures from here as well when I get back. Then we came home to go to a beat box exhibition but we couldn't find the place, so instead we went to a book signing party. Hagler has a small piece of art in the book so we got in and went drinking. They had local bands playing which were absurdly loud. So loud that it was making me lose my sense of balance and awareness. We chilled there for a good part of the night, then basically went home and crashed.

Nick comes in town tonight so that will be good times. The bachelor party is tomorrow and who knows how that's going to turn out. Josh's place is so close to the beach that as i type this and look out the window and I can see the waves oscillating back and forth on the coast.

So far this past week has been a wonderful period of reflection, and I don't know if I'm ready to flesh it all out into words. I will eventually but as has been with many of my last posts, they have been fully emotionally charged. A lot has happened, I have learned a lot and am very hesitant to say anything because it will change the course of everything and leave a wake of tangled painful mess. I am not ready to do that yet. I hope this will not be my last post for a while but due to the hectic activities coming up I may not be able to post until I am in Oregon. Oh well, good times to all. See most of you very soon. :)


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