Saturday, June 11, 2005

The bachelor party was a huge success. The day started by going wine tasting in napa valley. The day started late so we were only able to hit one winery which was the Roche winery. The bartender was an elderly gentleman who was very gracious and patient with our large and uneducated wino group. He would explain the different aspects of each wine and we went through the wine list. I am not very privy to wine, but I love the idea of drinking wine. As we went through the list some were drinkable and others were not so, but when we came to the sweet wines I found my favorites. When we finished tasting all the wine I decided to buy a couple of bottles. I grabbed one cheap bottle and the other not so. The cheap one for my group to sit and relax and the other for, well, this particular wine was by far the best tasting wine I have ever had. It was extremely delicious, however, this bottle is quite expensive. I decided to spend the money on it, because for one wine keeps for years, and at some point I would like to sit down and crack open this bottle in a romantic setting to celebrate something unique and special.

We left the winery and came back home and hung out until the show we were going to. We came back and drank rum and coke, and wine, and soaked the atmosphere of loud laughter and cruel jokes. Hag's ass made an appearance, as well, usual, but this time it was accompanied by a load of lint balls attached to his ass hair. It's funny now, but it was, well shit, it was funny then too. Really damned funny. Who has multiple balls of lint attached to their ass hair? Well i know one.

We took mass transit to the show, because we were expected to be far too inebriated to have anyone drive home. We came out of the subway, in the district of SF, that is the overtly gay district. I'm not sure what to specifically call it, but that is what it is. Only major note was walking past a transvestite, that looked liked Hoggle from the movie Labryinth, except that this time he was glamoured out in full makeup in a long soft blue dress. You make what you want out of that.

The venue we went to was more than superb and better than anything I could have ever expected. They had four acts that went on. The first guy was a guitarist that was trying a soul blues grass thing, and wasn't too bad. Musically he didn't do much with the guitar, but his vocals were very solid. Josh was way drunk at this point, which was the beginning of the acts, and started being loud as usual. Thing was he loved the guy who was performing, and at one point, the singer, stopped and asked if "is this guy with me or against me." So of course we all shouted with him, since he was. This musician was followed up by two comedians. Both worked for Home Movies, on various parts of the show. Both were very good comedians and very good performers. After the comedians were finished, the band that we came to see went on stage. I had never heard of the band Loquat before, but they were suprisingly very good. The lead singer reminded me of a girl I knew, but after the show almost every guy in our group had this huge crush on her. She is what can be described as ugly pretty. She has a very good voice, and was very excellent on stage. They remind me of the Cartigans. After their show, G and I talked to their drummer and backup vocalist, who Josh used to work with, but he said that they fully approve of the copying and transferring of their music via p2p, or any means possible. We bought their cd, so we will definitely have to start sharing. We then came home very very late. Thus ending the bachelor party.

Earlier in the day I received an email from the girl, which was the first form of communication in which we have had. She asked me to deliver a message, and asked me some stuff, but instead of taking the time out to write her I just called her instead. We talked for a while, but I'm not sure if much was really said. She wanted to address something that she read in a previous post, which I did address...I think anyway. She misinterpreted what I was saying, and felt that I was implying something about her character that she didn't want me to think. I think that was the gist of it anyway. Everything was so very vague, beyond the relaying of particular events that said person did. There were times though that I didn't know quite what to make of it though. She is going through a difficult situation with her moving and her future roommate. I was talking with her about it, and doing my best to provide the best advise I could for her, but when she was talking to me about it I could hear how she was forcing back tears, and outright crying. I understand why she feels like that through her fears, but I have never heard her act with such emotion on the phone removed from our own past, and situation. I know she was trying to reach out and grab something tangible, but I'm not sure what that is. She's stuck in a tough spot.


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