Saturday, June 18, 2005

A cold cold front has moved in. The beginning of the week we were at the perfect 85, sunny, and no wind. Now it's 56, cloudy, lightly raining and windy. The problem though is the wind. It carries with it a deep chill that will freeze your nuts off.

G and I switched beds for the meantime. My grandmother has an extra room, which G has occupied for all of this stay, and our last, and I sleep in an extra living room on the couch. All in all I have been very comfortable. I didn't realize the comfort I was removing myself from. The spare bed is a queen that is very soft and comfortable. I never realized how much I missed my old bed that I used to have. It too was a very good queen bed. When I first laid in this bed all I could think was, "God, I want to have sex in this bed."

That's not going to happen on this trip, obviously. I don't know what it is laying in such a nice bed, but it makes me so damned charged. And, no I've been taking care of business so I'm not all pent up or anything ;) When I get back and get ready to move out, I'm definitely going to get a nice big bed for my new room. I totally forgot how much awesome sex you can have on a big bed.


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