Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I have now arrived in the town of my youth Merrill, Oregon. The drive up was very smooth, and the only hitch was that G drove the entire way because I was severely hung over. The most interesting thing of note was driving past mount Shasta. This mount looks like a fabled mountain from Lord of the Rings. It has a very tall peak while being fairly remote from other neighboring mountains. It is very isolated which gives itself a grand presence watching over the land. You can actually see the mount from my Grandma's back yard.

I am at a childhood friends house, who has given me access to his house for whatever I need whenever I want. My cell reception at my G-ma's house is fabulous. Much better than last time I was here over during spring break. It's better than my own home in Phoenix. He uses broadband and the connection is good. He is actually leaving town next week to go to Spain, and will give me the house keys, so I am far from being techologically isolated even though I am in the far remote country.

The wedding and the reception that followed was wonderfully marvelous. After the reception closed we went over to a bar across the street that played very good electronica. Good bar with a lot of atmosphere and boy lots of craziness.

One can go a week without lying but can one go a week without rationalizing? I am now becoming aware that some of the deepest beds of emotion are floating up. Now that I am home in the land the slows time down, all the events that have unfolded are starting to take form. There have been almost all of the myriad of emotions, most of all confusion, and least of all anger. I am one thing and that is a big ball of emotional mess. I have it under control but I am afraid this is a fleeting rationality and everything is about to blow up. I don't know. I don't know what to say, and what I just wrote is utter crap.

If anyone wants to drop a line, or give a call it's totally cool. This isn't so much a vacation as it is an adventure.

Oh couple of notes. (almost got to caught up in my psycho-babble)
- hunting wasps with G and G-pa. Crazy team but most effective.
- jogging to california to see how she is doing. All is good. The air though is so thin, i felt like I ran twice as far as I did. (which was only a few miles)
- Had to tell G-pa why the girl didn't come. He seemed sincerely disapointed. It was very sad and cute.
- working out with farm equipment. It's free and totally cool/weird (makes us hicks lol)


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